Evergreen Action: Senator Stabenow’s Farm Bill Framework Safeguards Farmers, Their Pocketbooks, and Our Climate

In response to Senator Debbie Stabenow’s (D-MI) newly released Farm Bill framework, Evergreen Action Energy Transition Senior Policy Lead Mattea Mrkusic released the following statement:

“By maintaining the climate-smart guardrails created by the Inflation Reduction Act, Senator Stabenow is steadfastly supporting our nation’s farmers, who know all too well the real costs of extreme weather. Thank you, Senate Democrats, for defending the wildly popular climate-smart conservation programs that farmers and ranchers are already using to help combat the climate crisis, improve water and soil quality, and deliver economic benefits to rural communities. Even with the increased funding provided by the IRA, demand has broadly outstripped available funds. Farmers and ranchers are stepping up to fight the climate crisis. Now, Democrats in both chambers must hold strong to make sure Republicans don’t pull the rug out from under them.”