Holmes Hummel
Holmes Hummel is a member of member of both the the Evergreen Advisory and Governing Boards, as well as founding Clean Energy Works to accelerate investments in the clean energy economy through innovations in finance for distributed energy solutions such as efficiency, demand response, on-site solar, EV charging equipment and battery storage. These innovations have earned distinctions that include endorsement from the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance, a FIRE Award for Finance at the Bloomberg New Energy Finance Summit, and a Keeling Prize Award in Finance.
Previously, Dr. Hummel served as Senior Policy Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Policy & International Affairs at the US Department of Energy. Prior to that post, Holmes earned a PhD from the Interdisciplinary Program on Environment and Resources at Stanford and taught Climate Policy Design for the Energy Resources Group at UC-Berkeley. In 2007, Dr. Hummel served as a AAAS Congressional Science Fellowship in the Congressional office of Jay Inslee.